SEO Services for Medical Businesses

Why Consider Adding SEO for Medical Business?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is optimizing a website to improve its visibility and rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Your website is the face of your business, so if you’re not ranking high in search engine results, you’re losing out on valuable leads and sales.

SEO optimization is one of the keys to hacking the growth of a Medical Brand. SEO can complement your Paid Search campaign and add a volume of engaged leads from prospects who did their organic research. Organic leads typically convert better into patients than paid leads.

Yet all aspects of medical SEO are complicated:

Why Roman.Agency is ideally suited for your Medical SEO Needs?

  • Experience – We have over 15 years of experience promoting healthcare brands. Throughout this time, we’ve developed expertise in creating medical content that ranks, built a link-building database and learned how to jump through regulation hoops. 
  • Performance Based – Like all media channels, SEO needs to have a clear ROI. We focus on bringing traffic that will result in engaged, qualified leads that have the best chance to turn into patients or device users. 
  • Speed of SEO – by having in-house core competencies and data we can execute quickly on SEO campaigns. Achieving backlinks in a short amount of time.

Our Medical SEO Services Include:

Audience Strategy and Keyword Research

To ensure your website engages the right audience online, our SEO specialist will assess the current keywords your site is ranking for. They will also evaluate your keyword wishlist and run more research to craft a list most appropriate for your business and its competitive environment.

Link Building

Good backlinks are essential to get your website to the top of search engine results. The best way to ensure that your backlinks are high quality and relevant to your content is to partner with an SEO agency like Roman Agency. We have a skilled link-building team and valuable connections with authoritative websites.

Technical SEO

Search engines crawl through websites quickly and efficiently when there are no errors. When the search engines are pleased, you get higher rankings and happier customers! Changing your website's back end, like improving page speed, can help enhance your rankings.

Local SEO

Recent stats tell us that 64% of customers look up your business on Google. So, if you want to reach those high-intent customers, optimizing your company's local SEO rankings with a Google Business Profile is best. We specialize in optimizing GBP profiles and managing online reputations, enabling you to grow a solid local following.

On-Page SEO

Our SEO services can boost your online presence, leading to an influx of highly targeted traffic. Our practices align with the latest industry standards, giving your website credibility and enhanced trustworthiness.
To improve your website's organic ranking, our SEO experts create exceptional articles, optimize headlines, Schema Data Graphs and ADA compliance tags like ARIA.

Off-Page SEO

A strong digital presence is essential for successful brand building, and off-page optimization plays a key role. We specialize in social media marketing, link building and influencer campaigns to ensure you stand out—partner with our SEO agency to strengthen your online reputation.

eCommerce SEO

Increase retention rate by creating an accessible shopping experience for all your customers! With 24/7 personalized shopping experiences, you can keep your customers returning for more. Our targeted email campaigns and optimization of your website for mobile and voice search will create memorable brand experiences that will be hard to forget.

Medical Content Writing

From blog posts to product pages, our writers specialize in creating content that can help optimize your website. This includes optimizing each page according to SEO best practices and providing fresh content regularly, which search engines love! With their help, you can take your website's success to the next level.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Maximize your revenue potential and customer lifetime value with our CRO solutions. We join PPC and SEO services to unlock higher conversion rates. We also conduct website assessments, landing page customization and A/B testing to ensure maximum results.

Our Typical SEO Process:


Onboarding and Discovery:

  • Business & Goals: Begin by understanding the specific needs and objectives of the medical industry. This could range from increasing patient bookings for a particular service to growing awareness about a new medical procedure.
  • Communication: We would like to know about all the stakeholders, who makes the decisions and how you would prefer to be communicated with. 
  • Current Systems: We would need to know what you have in place for tracking what worked or didn’t work in the past. 
  • Medical Compliance: We need to know which Health privacy laws apply to your company. What should we be aware of when executing an SEO campaign? 

Analyze Existing Site and SEO

  • Website Performance: Assess the current website’s speed, mobile-friendliness, and overall user experience. These factors are especially critical for medical businesses as users might seek urgent care or essential information.
  • Content Quality: Medical information needs to be accurate, current, and trustworthy. Check for outdated practices, misleading information, or non-compliant content.
  • Technical SEO Audit: Ensure no broken links, missing meta descriptions, or issues with structured data, especially regarding patient testimonials or clinic timings.
  • Competitor Analysis: Identify other clinics, hospitals, or medical services that rank high on search engines. Understand their strengths and pinpoint opportunities where your client can outshine them.

Onboarding and Discovery:

Patient Personas:

  • Definition: A patient persona is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal patient based on market research and accurate data about your existing patients. It helps understand different patient groups’ specific needs, behaviours, and concerns.
  • Demographics: Understand the age, gender, occupation, and other demographic factors of your typical patients. For instance, a pediatric clinic would have personas like “first-time parents,” “parents of teens,” or “expecting mothers.”
  • Medical Concerns & Objectives: Each persona might have specific medical concerns or objectives. Understanding these can help tailor content and services. For example, an orthopedic clinic might have personas such as “sports injury patient,” “elderly arthritis patient,” or “post-surgery rehabilitation patient.”
  • Information Sources: Where do these personas typically get their medical information? From online forums, family doctors, or health magazines? Knowing this helps in targeting them more effectively.
  • Decision-making Factors: What are the key factors that drive them to choose a medical service? Is it the reputation, proximity, cost, or patient reviews?
  • Benefits: By understanding patient personas, medical businesses can offer more personalized care, craft better marketing messages, and ensure the content addresses specific concerns and questions of different patient groups.

Negative Personas:

  • Definition: A negative persona, also known as an “exclusionary persona,” represents the segment of the audience that a business does not want to target. While it might seem counterintuitive, identifying who you’re not targeting can be as important as knowing who you are.
  • Reasons for Exclusion: There are various reasons why specific individuals might be categorized as negative personas for a medical business. These could include:
    • Out of service range: Individuals located too far away would be unlikely to visit the clinic or hospital.
    • Already well-served: Individuals who have long-standing relationships with other medical providers.
    • Mismatched needs: Those seeking services or treatments the business doesn’t provide.
  • Benefits: Recognizing negative personas can result in more efficient marketing spend, a higher conversion rate, and a clearer understanding of the business’s core audience. It ensures that marketing efforts are not wasted on those unlikely to engage or convert.
  • Application: By identifying negative personas, medical businesses can:
    • Exclude these groups from SEO and PPC campaigns, making them more cost-effective.
    • Refrain from creating content that caters to these groups, allowing for more focused content creation.
    • Avoid partnerships or collaborations that primarily cater to these groups.

Keyword Research:

Dive deep into understanding what potential patients are searching for. With the personas in mind, you can better predict search terms and queries specific to each group.

Content Strategy

Address patient queries, concerns, and needs. Consider creating content like FAQs on procedures, patient testimonials, or informative articles about common medical conditions.

Content Calendar: Create a content calendar for both on-site and off-site posting.

Brainstorm on Link Bait Content: Brainstorm on pillar content types that can organically attract inbound links.

Identify Link Building Opportunities:

Medical Associations: Given the sensitive nature of medical information, emphasize building links from reputable and authoritative sources, like medical associations or renowned health publications.

Competitor Link Analysis: Analyze the types of links competitors have and identify if we can match them.



  • On-Page SEO: Optimize meta tags, headers, and content for targeted keywords. Ensure all medical terms are clearly defined and easily understandable.
  • Technical Optimization: Improve site speed, ensure mobile optimization, and work on structured data for better SERP results.
  • Content Creation: Regularly update the website with patient stories, medical advancements, and other relevant content to keep the audience engaged and informed.
  • Backlink Building: Collaborate with medical influencers, guest post on reputed medical forums, and get citations from healthcare directories.


  • Traffic Analysis: Monitor organic traffic, especially focusing on how many visitors are converting into patients or clients.
  • Keyword Performance: Track how targeted keywords are ranking and understand the search volume behind them.
  • ROI Metrics: Given that medical services can often be high-value, it’s essential to understand the return on investment from SEO efforts.


  • Ongoing Monitoring: SEO for medical businesses is dynamic due to ever-changing medical practices, advancements, and patient needs.
  • Strategy Refinement: Based on the results, continuously refine the keyword targeting, content strategy, and link-building efforts.
  • Stay Updated: The medical field is continuously evolving. Ensure the content is current and compliant with new medical guidelines or regulations.
  • Definition: E-A-T stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. It’s a framework used by Google to assess the quality of web content.

  • Expertise:

    • Description: This pertains to the content creator’s depth of knowledge about a particular subject.
    • Application in Medical SEO:
      • Medical content should be created or reviewed by professionals with relevant qualifications and experience in the field.
      • Details about the content creator, such as their medical credentials or professional experience, should be easily accessible to users.
  • Authoritativeness:

    • Description: This refers to the credibility of the website or the content creator, based on their reputation in their field.
    • Application in Medical SEO:
      • Garner backlinks and mentions from reputed medical institutions, journals, or professionals.
      • Encourage positive patient reviews and testimonials to boost the clinic or hospital’s authority in the medical community.
      • Highlight any affiliations, awards, or recognitions the medical institution or professional might have.
  • Trustworthiness:

    • Description: This evaluates the integrity and reliability of the website and its content.
    • Application in Medical SEO:
      • Ensure the website has a secure connection (HTTPS) to protect patient data.
      • Clearly display privacy policies, terms of service, and any disclaimers.
      • Refrain from making unverified medical claims or providing misleading information.
      • Regularly update content to reflect the latest medical guidelines and research.

Importance of E-A-T in Medical SEO:

  • Given the critical nature of medical information, Google places a high emphasis on the E-A-T principle when ranking medical websites. Misinformation can have severe consequences, so it’s paramount that medical content is accurate, reliable, and created by experts.

  • Google’s Search Quality Rater Guidelines, a document provided to human evaluators to assess the quality of Google’s search results, frequently mentions E-A-T, highlighting its importance in the ranking process.

  • For medical businesses, adhering to the E-A-T principle not only improves their search engine ranking but also builds trust with patients and ensures they receive accurate and safe information.

By understanding and implementing the E-A-T principle, medical businesses can enhance their online reputation, rank higher on search engines, and most importantly, provide valuable and trustworthy information to their patients.

  • Definition of ADA: The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a U.S. law that prohibits discrimination based on disability. While it initially pertained to physical spaces, court interpretations have extended its application to digital spaces, including websites.

  • Ensuring Equal Access:

    • Medical information and services are essential for everyone, regardless of their abilities. An ADA-compliant website ensures that people with disabilities can access and use the site as seamlessly as those without disabilities.
    • This includes individuals with visual impairments, hearing difficulties, motor disabilities, and cognitive challenges.
  • Legal Implications:

    • Non-compliance with ADA standards can lead to legal consequences. There have been instances where businesses, including medical institutions, faced lawsuits due to inaccessible websites.
    • Ensuring ADA compliance helps medical businesses avoid potential legal fees, negative publicity, and the associated reputational damage.
  • SEO Benefits:

    • Many ADA compliance measures, such as providing alt text for images and ensuring a logically structured content hierarchy, also align with SEO best practices.
    • Search engines like Google prioritize user experience. An accessible website can lead to better user engagement metrics, which can positively influence rankings.
  • Enhanced User Experience:

    • An ADA-compliant site often results in a better user experience for all visitors, not just those with disabilities. Clear navigation, readable fonts, and logical content structures benefit everyone.
  • Expanding Audience Reach:

    • By making a website accessible to people with disabilities, medical businesses can cater to a broader audience, potentially increasing their patient base.
  • Ethical Considerations:

    • Beyond legal and financial reasons, ensuring accessibility is the right thing to do. Everyone should have equal access to medical information and services.

For medical businesses, where the primary goal is to cater to the health needs of individuals, it’s particularly crucial to ensure that no segment of the population is excluded due to website inaccessibility. ADA compliance embodies the medical ethic of ensuring care and information access for all.

    • Shift from Traditional Search: As AI becomes more advanced, people increasingly rely on direct interactions with AI platforms to get answers. Instead of typing a query into a search engine, users might ask an AI chatbot or a voice assistant for medical advice or information.

    • Real-time Interactions: AI platforms can provide immediate, personalized responses based on the user’s input. For medical queries, users can get tailored advice or information instantly, reducing the need to sift through multiple search results on a search engine.

    • Detailed Queries: Conversational AI can handle multi-layered questions. For instance, instead of searching for “symptoms of flu,” a user might ask an AI, “I have a sore throat, fatigue, and no appetite. Could this be the flu?” This nuanced interaction can provide more precise information.

    • Implications for Medical Websites: To remain relevant in this AI-driven landscape:

      • Medical websites might consider integrating AI chatbots to address user queries directly.
      • The content should be structured so that it’s easily “understandable” by AI platforms, enhancing its chances of being sourced as a reliable answer.
      • Collaborations or integrations with popular AI platforms could be beneficial. For example, ensuring that a medical site’s information is accessible to voice assistants like Alexa or Siri.
    • Trust and Credibility: While AI offers convenience, the medical field’s sensitive nature means that trust and credibility are paramount. Users will prefer AI platforms that source their information from reputable and authoritative medical sites. Therefore, maintaining high-quality, accurate, and updated content remains crucial for medical SEO.

    • Continuous Learning: AI platforms learn from interactions. Over time, they’ll better understand user intent and provide more accurate information. Medical websites should remember this and ensure they provide explicit, concise, and easily interpretable content.

    • Data Privacy Concerns: As users interact more with AI platforms, data is collected. Medical websites and media must ensure that any health-related data gathered respects privacy regulations like HIPAA.

Integrating AI into the search landscape undeniably affects how medical information is sought and delivered. While it challenges traditional SEO practices, it also offers opportunities for medical websites to engage with their audience in more dynamic and personalized ways.

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